Artist portrait of kat gemborys

My name is Katarzyna, I’m based in Wroclaw, in Poland. Currently I’m an assistant at The E. Geppert Academy of Fine Art and Design
Since childhood I liked to have sth different, unusual – so the shortest way was to create my own world. It grew up with me and transform into urge to make people happy with my designs. So it goes on.
My works in general are inspired by nature. Deep, close view on details, rhythms, graphic quality and subtle sensuality. Using glass and lampwork technique I could underline that. Subtle but firm, delicate but dangerous…
Throughout the creative process I examined to what extent it was possible to manipulate the material. At the same time I scrutinized the obstacles engendered by the body which was defined as the medium and the main inspiration. I arrived at the point at which, paradoxically, the body ceased to be an autocrat for a piece of jewelry and the piece of jewelry ceased to be a mere decoration subordinate to the body. I emphasize the beauty of the body, the way it moves and it positions itself at a given moment.
1: When do you feel most creative:
In general all the time, my head doesn’t stop working. But when comes to work in my workshop it’ll be during day, not too early not too late I try to keep it as a my relax time, so good coffee, nice music and no duties around except my work.
2: What do you need to be most effective in your work.
Peace, inner peace and some goals to reach. It could be just to try sth new or new approach to subject of my design.
3: What do you do when you’re stuck:
When I’m over some ideas and I’m stuck best way is to go out. Small trip to nearby forest or meadow always helps me. To read some good book, go to the cinema and so on…
Most important for me it such situations is to give my head relax and time off, then I’m sure great solutions will come without pain
4: Where do you find your inspiration:
Basically everywhere! In nature, in history, in history of art, in sensuality of body, its skin, touch… And books, people, movies, everything what is around me can be my inspiration that later I transfer into my world, into my art.
5: Who’s your favorite artist:
Do we have space here for that? It’s endless list of names…
Artists who I appreciate will be Iris Van Herpen with her attitude towards the body, her experiments with different materials and technology. Then Bart Hess and Lucy McRae and their visions of human body, how for them it’s just a starting point, their approach to erase boundary between body and it’s surroundings.
Attraction/Aversion – series of necklaces made by Kerry Howley – beautiful, symmetrical, based on classical patterns made from humans hair…
Also works from Roland Topor, Witkacy, Terry Gilliam, Studio Ghibli, Alice in Wonderland, Master and Margaret… to name some of them
